Mgr. Tomáš Dvořák, Ph.D.
Mgr. Tomáš Dvořák, Ph.D.
- Department of Sociology
E-mail: ,
Telephone: +420 267 224 215
Rooms: No. B220, Jinonice, building B
ResearcherID: U-7967-2018
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2728-4261
Rok vydání
Chapters in monographs
- Bíba J., Dvořák T., & Štefek M. (2020). Ambiguity Towards the EU as a Destiny of Czech Politics: The Case of the ANO Movement. 2019 European Elections : The EU Party Democracy and the Challenge of National Populism (pp. 204-221).
- Dvořák T. (2018). The use of local direct democracy in the Czech Republic: how NIMBY disputes drive protest behaviour. Local Government Studies, 44(3), 329-349. UT-WOS link
- Dvořák T., Zouhar J., & Novák J. (2017). The effect of direct democracy on turnout: Voter mobilization or participatory momentum?. Political Research Quarterly, 70(2), 433-448. UT-WOS link
- Dvořák T. (2013). Modernizace, hodnotová změna a přímá demokracie. Sociológia, 45(2), 107-127. UT-WOS link
- Dvořák T. (2022). Populism, Anti-establishment Politics, and Dimensions of Political Competition. Communist and Post-Communist Studies, 55(3), 140-162. UT-WOS link
- Dvořák T., Zouhar J., & Treib O. (2024). Regional Peripheralization as Contextual Source of Populist Attitudes in Germany and Czech Republic. Political Studies, 72(1), 112-133. UT-WOS link
- Dvořák T. (2013). Referendum campaigns, Framing and Uncertainty. Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, 23(4), 367-386.
- Dvořák T. (2019). Veřejná podpora přímé demokracie: Analýza heterogenity politických postojů v České republice. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, 55(4), 419-443. UT-WOS link
- Dvořák T., & Zouhar J. (2023). Peripheralization Processes as a Contextual Source of Populist Vote Choices: Evidence from the Czech Republic and Eastern Germany. East European Politics and Societies, 37(3), 983-1010. UT-WOS link
- Dvořák T., & Wirthová J. (2024). Political and public engagement as topological boundary-making: a critique of ‘Deficit’ approaches in post-communist CEE. Space and Polity, 28(1), 125-147. UT-WOS link