RNDr. Michaela Pixová, Ph.D.
RNDr. Michaela Pixová, Ph.D.

- Institute of Sociological Studies
E-mail: michaela.pixova@fsv.cuni.cz
Telephone: +420 267 224 235
Rooms: No. C218, Jinonice, building C
ResearcherID: AAL-4933-2021
Scopus Author ID: 36193210600
ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0089-6698
Michaela Pixová is a human geographer currently working at the Department of Sociology of the FSV UK and at BOKU University in Vienna. Her research, activist and journalistic interests include social-ecological transformation with a focus on critical urban theory, alternatives to the corporate food regime, climate policy, social movements, civil society, inequalities, gender and intersectionality. At the Institute of Sociological Studies of the FSV UK, she is currently involved in the international project www.sustainaction.org, within which she, together with colleagues from Poland, Sweden, Hungary, Serbia and Romania, deals with the resilience of social movements and civil society in the context of multiplying crises. At the Austrian BOKU University, she works as a postdoc in research focused on food alternatives to the corporate food regime www.foodalternatives.at.
In the past, she also worked as a coordinator of the Climate Coalition and was a co-founder of the civic association PragueWatch.
Rok vydání
- Pixová M. (2020). Contested Czech cities : from urban grassroots to pro-democratic populism. Palgrave Macmillan.
- Moldan B., & Pixová M. (2020). Klimatická krize : Mýty a fakta o stavu planety. Klimatická koalice.
- Charvát J., Oravcová A., Kolářová M., Piotrowski G., Maiello G., Cichá M., Daniel O., Pixová M., Slačálek O., Nicolescu V., & Neaga D. (2021). OUT OF STEP Politics and Subcultures in the Post-Socialist Space. Dokořán.
Chapters in monographs
- Pixová M. (2014). Alternativní prostory. Prostor(y) geografie (pp. 59-80).
- Pixová M., & Sládek J. (2016). Touristification and awakening civil society in post-socialist Prague. Protest and Resistance in the Tourist City (pp. 73-89).
- Pixová M. (2018). The Empowering Potential of Reformist Urban Activism in Czech Cities. Voluntas, 29(4), 670-682. UT-WOS link
- Pixová M., & Novák A. (2016). Prague post-1989. Boom, decline and renaissance. Baltic Worlds, 9(1-2), 34-45.
Contributions in the conference proceedings
Nováčková, Veronika (2024): Values-based modes of production and consumption: The role of community-supported agriculture in transforming the third Czech food regime. Master’s Thesis, Institute for Development Research. Vienna, BOKU.