prof. PhDr. Ing. Ondřej Císař, Ph.D.
prof. PhDr. Ing. Ondřej Císař, Ph.D.

- Department of Sociology
Telephone: +420 778 465 054 , +420 267 224 234
Rooms: No. C216, Jinonice, building C
ResearcherID: K-5914-2015
Scopus Author ID: 23995110500
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8106-3171
Rok vydání
Chapters in monographs
- Císař O. (2018). Social Movements after Communism. The Routledge Handbook of East European Politics (pp. 184-196).
- Císař O. (2022). Rhapsody in Green: Environmental Movements in East Central Europe. The Routledge Handbook of Environmental Movements (pp. 32-44).
- Císař O., & Kubát M. (2021). Czech Republic: Running the State Like a Family Business. Populism and the Politicization of the COVID-19 Crisis in Europe (pp. 101-114).
- Císař O., & Weisskircher M. (2021). Left-wing Social Movements between Strong European Identities and the Challenges of Transnational Activism. The Case of DiEM25. Imagining Europe: Transnational Contestation and Civic Populism (pp. 33-57).
- Císař O., & Navrátil J. (2019). For the people, by the people? The Czech radical and popupulist right after the refugee crisis. Radical right movement parties in Europe (pp. 184-198).
- Císař O., & Beneš V. (2019). Výzkumný rámec a jeho prvky. Metodologie výzkumu politiky (pp. 41-82).
- Císař O. (2015). Social Movements in Political Science. The Oxford Handbook of Social Movements (pp. 50-67).
- Císař O. (2013). A Typology of Extra-parliamentary Political Activism in Post-communist Settings: The Case of the Czech Republic. Beyond NGO-ization: The Development of Social Movements in Central and Eastern Europe (pp. 139-167).
- Císař O. (2013). Interest Groups and Social Movements. Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements (pp. 616-620).
- Císař O. (2013). Post-Communism and Social Movements. Encyclopedia of Social and Political Movements (pp. 994-999).
- Císař O., & Hrubeš M. (2016). Think Tanks and Policy Discourses. Policy Analysis in the Czech Republic (pp. 273-290).
- Císař O., & Navrátil J. (2015). At the Ballot Boxes or in the Streets and Factories : Economic Contention in the Visegrad Group. Austerity and Protest : Popular Contention in Times of Economic Crisis (pp. 35-53).
- Císař O. (2015). Rovnost práv proti rovnosti utrpení. Lidská práva : (ne)smysl české politiky? (pp. 134-147).
- Císař O., & Štětka V. (2016). Czech Republic: The Rise of Populism from the Fringes to the Mainstream. Populist Political Communication in Europe (pp. 285-298).
- Císař O. (2020). Social movement diffusion in Eastern Europe. Routledge Handbook of Contemporary European Social Movements : Protest in Turbulent Times (pp. 237-250).
- Císař O., & Kubát M. (2024). Český populismus ve středoevropském kontextu. O demokracii a o všem, co s ní souvisí: Miroslav Novák sedmdesátiletý (pp. 133-151).
- Hrubeš M., & Císař O. (2024). Climate Obstruction in the Czech Republic: Winning by Default. Climate Obstruction across Europe (pp. 243-267).
- Kouba K., Císař O., & Navrátil J. (2015). The Czech Political Science: A Slow March towards Relevance?. Political Science in Europe at the Beginning of the 21st Century (pp. 63-85).
- Diani M., & Císař O. (2014). The Emergence of a European Social Movement Research Field. Routledge Handbook of European Sociology (pp. 172-195).
- Navrátil J., & Císař O. (2014). Towards a "Non-Global Justice Movement"? Two Paths to Re-scaling the Left Contention in the Czech Republic. Spreading Protest : Social Movements in Times of Crisis (pp. 227-252).
- Beneš V., Císař O., & Drulák P. (2019). Výzkum politiky a jeho epistemologické, metodologické a normativní souvislosti. Metodologie výzkumu politiky (pp. 19-39).
- Caiani M., & Císař O. (2019). Movements, Parties, and 'Movement Parties" of the Radical Right : Towards a unified approach?. Radical right movement parties in Europe (pp. 11-26).
- Caiani M., & Císař O. (2019). Radical Right 'Movement Parties' in Europe : An introduction. Radical right movement parties in Europe (pp. 3-10).
- Caiani M., & Císař O. (2019). Conclusion: movements vs. parties, movements and parties, movements or parties? Types of interactions within the radical right. Radical right movement parties in Europe (pp. 230-243).
- Navrátil J., & Císař O. (2022). With or Without You : Ideas of Citizenship Driving or Deactivating Participation in Czech Collective Action. Civic and Uncivic Values in the Czech Republic : Value Transformation, Politics, Education, and Gender Equality (pp. 191-211).
- Císař O., & Navrátil J. (2022). Strategic capacity in the context of the European multilevel polity: post-accession environmental protest in the Czech Republic. ENVIRONMENTAL POLITICS [online], 31(7), 1244-1266. UT-WOS link
- Císař O., & Kubát M. (2021). Populismus in Tschechien: Ein ostmitteleuropäischer Regionalvergleich. Osteuropa, 71(4–6), 115-130. UT-WOS link
- Císař O., & Vráblíková K. (2019). National protest agenda and the dimensionality of party politics: Evidence from four East-Central European democracies. European Journal of Political Research, 58(4), 1152-1171. UT-WOS link
- Císař O., & Navrátil J. (2015). Promoting Competition or Cooperation? The Impact of EU Funding on Czech Advocacy Organizations. Democratization, 22(3), 536-559. UT-WOS link
- Císař O. (2015). Kudy z krize? Komunitarismus proti liberalismu po česku. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, 51(1), 153-162. UT-WOS link
- Císař O., & Navrátil J. (2017). Polanyi, political-economic opportunity structure and protest: capitalism and contention in the post-communist Czech Republic. Social Movement Studies, 16(1), 82-100. UT-WOS link
- Císař O. (2022). Sociální věda česky?. Czech Journal of International Relations : Mezinárodní vztahy, 57(4), 125-134.
- Navrátil J., & Císař O. (2024). Show me how to live: transactional advocacy organizations, managerial populism, and the EU. Journal of Contemporary European Studies, 32(4), 1008-1020. UT-WOS link
- Koubek M., & Císař O. (2015). Le militantisme rom et pro-rom en République tchèque. Évolution des cadres d'interprétation depuis 1989. Revue d’études comparatives Est-Ouest, 46(2), 143-194. UT-WOS link
- Walach V., & Císař O. (2013). „Jako ghetto – ty ublížíš mně, já ublížím tobě.“ Bezpečnost a pouliční násilí v sociálně vyloučené lokalitě. Lidé města / Urban People, 15(3), 391-417.
- Klásková M., & Císař O. (2021). Agents of Europeanization: Think Tanks Discussing the Refugee Crisis in the Czech Republic. East European Politics and Societies, 35(3), 837-859. UT-WOS link
- Hasmanová Marhánková J., Pospěch Durnová A., & Císař O. (2022). Pandemie jako sociologický problém: krize institucí. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, 58(5), 473-475. UT-WOS link
- Pospěch Durnová A., Hasmanová Marhánková J., & Císař O. (2022). Pandemie jako sociologický problém: individuum, péče a proměny domova. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, 58(4), 369-372. UT-WOS link