doc. Mgr. Jakub Grygar, Ph.D.

doc. Mgr. Jakub Grygar, Ph.D.


  • Department of Sociology


Telephone: +420 267 224 236


Supervised thesis

Rooms: No. B223, Jinonice, building B

ResearcherID: K-9524-2017

Scopus Author ID: 16244925600

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3391-9932

Rok vydání


Chapters in monographs


Contributions in the conference proceedings

Anthropology of East-Central Europe; Antropologický seminář; Antropologie ekonomických a politických systémů; Borders and International Migration; Dějiny sociální antropologie; Diplomový seminář; Klíčové otázky sociální antropologie; Kvalitativní metodologie; Kvalitativní výzkum: pokročilé a experimentální metody; Praktika z kvalitativního výzkumu; Současná sociální antropologie; Stát, národ a globalizace: infrapolitiky moci a identity; Výzkumné kolokvium SAQ

2017 - 2019. Innovations in Ethnic Entrepreneurship and Emerging Everyday Multiculturalism. Vietnamese Diaspora in the Czech Republic. GA ČR (Czech Science Foundation), 17-18584S. (Spoluřešitelé Tereza Freidingerová, Karel Čada, Barbora Nováková Jirková).

2015. "Vietnamese Diaspora in Prague: food, consumption, and socio-material proximity in the making of cosmopolitan city" ERSTE Stiftung,(spoluřešitel Karel Čada).

2007 – 2008. Enacting the EU: international borders and politics of space in Polish-Belarus contexts. GA ČR (Czech Science Foundation), 403/07/P299.

Jakub Grygar is social anthropologist, associate professor of social anthropology at the Charles University in Prague. He lectures on urban anthropology, methodology of qualitative research, politics of identity, and on reflexive anthropology. In his research, he combines an interest in the anthropology of and marginalization with studies of (re)production of social and political order. As a researcher, Jakub Grygar engaged in a study of enacting external EU border at the Polish-Belarusian borderland and in problems of social exclusion of Roma in the Czech Republic. Currently, he studies sociomaterial proximity and everyday multiculturalism among Czech and Vietnamese living in Prague.

ethnicity, migration, anthropology of borders, anthropology of food and consumption, social exclusion