RNDr. Tereza Freidingerová, Ph.D.
RNDr. Tereza Freidingerová, Ph.D.

- Department of Sociology
E-mail: tereza.freidingerova@fsv.cuni.cz
Telephone: +420 267 224 237 , +420 777 447 125
Rooms: No. B223, Jinonice, building B
ResearcherID: Q-7156-2017
Scopus Author ID: 57190016524
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0108-5005
Rok vydání
- Freidingerová T., Ivanič P., & Jurečková A. (2020). Lidé mezi řádky: příručka o migraci pro (budoucí) novináře. Člověk v tísni.
Chapters in monographs
- Freidingerová T., & Nováková B. (2019). V příhodný čas na příhodném místě / Geografie "Vietnamců a Vietnamek". Geografie „okrajem“: každodenní časoprostorové zkušenosti (pp. 299-330).
- Freidingerová T., & Nováková B. (2021). Civic engagement and self-empowerment of second-generation Vietnamese in Czechia. Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 30(3), 312-337. UT-WOS link
- Freidingerová T., Nováková B., & Heis A. (2024). Peripheriality and superhybridity as a precondition for migrant settlement: Vietnamese in the Czech-German-speaking borderlands. Journal of Rural Studies, 106(FEB 2024), UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
- Freidingerová T., & Nováková B. (2021). Vietnamese business enclaves on Czech-German speaking borders : intricate network of ethnic economies or conglomerate of individual enterprises?. Opportunities and Threats to Current Business Management in Cross‐border Comparison 2021 (pp. 36-58).
Winter Term:
Media and Migration (EN) (ISS)
Diploma Seminar I - Research Methods (EN) (ISS)
Practice of Qualitative Research (CZ) (ISS)
Media and Migration (CZ) (IKSŽ)
Summer Term:
Global and Development Journalism (CZ) (IKSŽ)
Diploma Seminar II - Thesis (EN) (ISS)
2020-2021 Czech Science Foundation: Migrant integration in non-metropolitan areas at individual, diasporic and institutional levels. Vietnamese settled in the Czech borderlands. (principal investigator) https://iss.fsv.cuni.cz/integrace-migrantu-v-nemetropolitnich-oblastech
2017-2019 Czech Science Foundation: Innovations in Ethnic Entrepreneurship and Emerging Everyday Multiculturalism. Vietnamese Diaspora in the Czech Republic. (co-investigator)
2011-2013 Czech Science Foundation: Migration and Development – economic, social and socio-economic impacts of migration on the Czech Republic and Ukraine (with a specific focus on the analysis of remittances). (researcher)
2010-2012 GAUK: Migration and adaptation tendencies of the Vietnamese: behavioural-geographical perspective. (principal investigator)
international migration, migrant integration, Vietnamese Diaspora, media framing of migration