Mgr. Barbora Spalová, Ph.D.
Mgr. Barbora Spalová, Ph.D.

- Department of Sociology
E-mail: ,
Telephone: +420 267 224 236
Rooms: No. B223, Jinonice, building B
ResearcherID: K-5288-2015
Scopus Author ID: 26668023100
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6930-709X
Rok vydání
- Spalová B., Kyselovič J., Pešková Z., Šulcová Z., & Picková I. (2017). Laici a klerici v české katolické církvi : Na cestě ke spiritualitě spolupráce?. Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury.
- Spalová B., Umlauf V., Trebicka I., Fojtová R., & Priščáková L. (2017). Ruprechtice: veřejný prostor podle mentálních map. Karolinum.
- Spalová B. (2012). Bůh ví proč: studie pamětí a režimů moci v křesťanských církvích v severních Čechách. Centrum pro studium demokracie a kultury.
- Spalová B., Lukeš Rybanská I., Gajdoš A., Tížik M., Frantová V., Nosál M., Pelikán V., Beláňová A., Čada K., Pařil V., Müllner V., & Parks T. (2023). Vize zdaru, vize zmaru: Proměny církví v Česku a na Slovensku v kontextu restitucí. Karolinum.
- Brenišínová M., Rywiková D., Panušková L., Modráková R., Křížová M., Králová J., Bueno A., Spalová B., Tesárek J., Charvátová K., & Ranochová R. (2022). (Trans)missions: Monasteries as Sites of Cultural Transfers. Archaeopress.
Chapters in monographs
- Spalová B., & Tesárek J. (2022). Other Time: Construction of Temporality in Contemporary Benedictine Monasteries. (Trans)missions: Monasteries as Sites of Cultural Transfers (pp. 113-127).
- Spalová B., & Hlavatý Š. (2019). One year in a dominican convent in Sudetenland: Religious community in a post-atheistic and post-secular situation. A Visual Approach to the Study of Religious Orders : Zooming in on Monasteries (pp. 49-78).
- Spalová B. (2022). Discretio and the Golden Mean: Working out Frugality and Thrift in Two Czech Postsocialist Monasteries. Thrift and its Paradoxes : From Domestic to Political Economy (pp. 117-140).
- Sedláčková T., & Spalová B. (2019). The Lived Spirituality of Czech Monasteries through Architectural Materiality. A Visual Approach to the Study of Religious Orders : Zooming in on Monasteries (pp. 121-147).
- Spalová B., & Jonveaux I. (2021). Monastère et société: Les échanges entre le monastère et la société dans le contexte des restitutions des biens ecclésiaux. Social Compass, 68(4), 634-652. UT-WOS link
- Spalová B., Liška M., & Picková T. (2019). Klášteření: Morální ekonomie klášterů benediktinské tradice v ČR v postrestitučním období. Biograf, neuveden(69-70), 3-36.
- Spalová B., & Jonveaux I. (2018). The economy of stability in Catholic monasteries in Czech Republic and Austria. Annual Review of the Sociology of Religion, 9(July), 269-296.
- Spalová B. (2016). La Question des Allemands Sudètes au Théâtre: Représentation artistique et transformation de la relation au passé allemand. Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, 47(1-2), 113-140. UT-WOS link
- Spalová B. (2017). Remembering the German Past in the Czech Lands: A Key Moment between Communicative and Cultural Memory. History and Anthropology, 28(1), 84-109. UT-WOS link
- Spalová B. (2013). Rodinné paměti z pohraničí: Familiarismus v pohledu do minulosti. Biograf, neuveden(58), 3-33.
- Spalová B., Tesárek J., Pešková Z., Rybová T., & Hemerová A. (2016). Redefinice smyslu zasvěceného života. Dingir, 19(1), 1-9.
- Spalová B., Pelikán V., & Liška M. (2024). Religious-secular as non-competitive: Encouraging participative church in a Czech Catholic diocese. Social Compass, 71(2), 365-386. UT-WOS link
- Spalová B. (2023). Kde je opravdu láska: kam se posouvá kontrakulturnost nového monastického hnutí. Dingir, 2023(2), 38-41.
- Spalová B., & Gajdoš A. (2024). Church Life LIVE! Ritual Innovations and Repertoires of Belonging in Czech and Slovak Christian Communities during the COVID-19 Pandemic. Interdisciplinary Journal for Religion and Transformation in Contemporary Society, 10(1), 252-280. UT-WOS link
- Bauer P., & Spalová B. (2016). Avant-propos: Mémoire et sociétés en Europe Centrale et Orientale : une ethnographie du savoir sur le "passé Allemand". Revue d'Etudes Comparatives Est-Ouest, 47(1-2), 7-22. UT-WOS link
- Lukeš Rybanská I., & Spalová B. (2022). Translating secular-religious divide: everyday negotiation of Christian distinctiveness in Catholic schools in the Czechia and Slovakia. Journal of Beliefs and Values, 43(4), 375-395. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
Anthropological seminar
In the frame of anthropology of religion - all the topics linked to the anthropology of Christianity, or Abrahamic religions, relations of religion and society, lived religiosity, religion and embodiment, dynamics of religiosity and spirituality in contemporary, esp. western societies
Social memory studies
Realtions of space, place and society
2012- 2014 Territory and social memory in Bohemian borderlands after 1990: The post socialist management of tangible and intangible traces of the German past. GAČR P404/12/P927
2016-2017 Moral economy of Czech and Austrian monasteries. With Isabelle Jonveaux, funded by AKTION Czech Republic - Austria
2019-2021 Society and church in the process of restitution of church properties: Support of participation. (TAČR Éta TL02000132)
2019-2021 Dynamics of the church´s moral economy in the Czech Republic and Slovakia in the context of the restitutions and the separation of church and state. (GAČR 19-08512S)