doc. PhDr. Dino Numerato, Ph.D.
doc. PhDr. Dino Numerato, Ph.D.

- Department of Sociology
- Academic Council
Telephone: +420 778 465 054 , +420 267 224 234
Rooms: No. C216, Jinonice, building C
ResearcherID: K-1630-2017
Scopus Author ID: 24466875600
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4821-6471
Rok vydání
- Numerato D. (2018). Football Fans, Activism and Social Change. Routledge.
Chapters in monographs
- Numerato D., Čada K., & Honová P. (2021). Citizenship, Neoliberalism and Healthcare. Health and Illness in the Neoliberal Era in Europe (pp. 75-89).
- Numerato D., & Baglioni S. (2015). The Dark Side of Social Capital: An Ethnography of Sport Governance. Sociological Perspectives on Sport : The Games Outside the Games (pp. 487-502).
- Numerato D., Čada K., & Hoření K. (2019). Civil society enablers and barriers - Comparative Approach. Civil society enablers and barriers : WP4 report (pp. 14-39).
- Numerato D. (2017). Between Civic Engagement and Politics: A Case Study of Bohemians Prague 1905 Supporters' Trust. Football and Supporter Activism in Europe: Whose Game Is It? (pp. 211-231). UT-WOS link
- Numerato D. (2022). Zdraví a zdravotnictví v digitální éře. Digitální obrat v českých humanitních a sociálních vědách (pp. 297-314).
- Numerato D., Čada K., & Hoření K. (2023). Civil society organisations and labour market integration: barriers and enablers in seven European countries. Migrants and Refugees in Europe: Work Integration in Comparative Perspective (pp. 83-100).
- Gheorghiev O., & Numerato D. (2023). Migration to the Czech Republic: Personal Stories About Running from and Running Towards. Immigrant and Asylum Seekers Labour Market Integration upon Arrival: NowHereLand (pp. 185-207).
- Svoboda A., & Numerato D. (2019). Socio-cultural transformations of tennis in the Czech Republic. Routledge Handbook of Tennis (pp. 130-140).
- Salvatore D., & Numerato D. (2018). Governance and Professionalism. Global Encyclopedia of Public Administration, Public Policy, and Governance (pp. 1-5).
- Hoření K., Numerato D., & Čada K. (2019). Czech Republic: The Country Report. Civil society enablers and barriers : WP4 report (pp. 41-65).
- Gheorghiev O., Švarcová M., Numerato D., Hoření K., & Čada K. (2020). Czech Republic: The Country Report WP6. Integrated Report on Individual Barriers and Enablers - WP6: Research report (pp. 23-54).
- Gheorghiev O., Čada K., Švarcová M., Numerato D., & Hoření K. (2020). Czech Republic: The Country Report WP5. Social Partners Barriers and Enablers WP5 report (pp. 37-52).
- Numerato D., & Giulianotti R. (2018). Citizen, consumer, citimer: The interplay of market and political identities within contemporary football fan cultures. Journal of Consumer Culture, 18(2), 336-355. UT-WOS link
- Numerato D. (2020). Kritičtí fanoušci a boj proti "modernímu" fotbalu. Vesmír, 99(5), 572-574.
- Numerato D., & Svoboda A. (2022). Collective Memory and Social Movements: Football Sites of Memory in Supporters' Activism. Sociology of Sport Journal, 39(1), 99-107. UT-WOS link
- Numerato D., Honová P., & Sedláčková T. (2021). Politicisation, depoliticisation, and repoliticisation of health care controversies: Vaccination and mental health care reform in the Czech Republic. Social Science and Medicine, 277(May), 1-8. UT-WOS link
- Numerato D. (2019). Zrcadlo společnosti. Vesmír, 98(5), 288-290.
- Numerato D. (2019). Sociologie sportu: Rozkvět v podmínkách dvojí marginalizace. Sociologický bulletin, 2019(prosinec), 22-25.
- Numerato D., Vochocová L., Štětka V., & Macková A. (2019). The vaccination debate in the "post-truth" era: social media as sites of multi-layered reflexivity. Sociology of Health and Illness, 41(Supplement 1), 82-97. UT-WOS link
- Numerato D. (2016). Corruption and public secrecy: An ethnography of football match-fixing. Current Sociology, 64(5), 699-717. UT-WOS link
- Numerato D. (2021). Postřehy z "laborky" Česko. Vesmír, 100(6), 381-383.
- Numerato D., Fattore G., Tediosi F., Zanini R., Peltola M., Banks H., Mihalicza P., Lehtonen L., Sveréus S., Heijink R., Klitkou S., Fletcher E., van der Heijden A., Lundberg F., Over E., Häkkinen U., & Seppälä T. (2015). Mortality and Length of Stay of Very Low Birth Weight and Very Preterm Infants: A EuroHOPE Study. PLoS One, 10(6), 1-12. UT-WOS link
- Numerato D. (2016). Behind the digital curtain: Ethnography, football fan activism and social change. Qualitative Research, 16(5), 575-591. UT-WOS link
- Calo F., Numerato D., Bontenbal I., Kourachanis N., & Scognamiglio F. (2024). Negotiating autonomy in the public sector and nonprofits "collaborations" in politically contested fields. Governance, 37(4), 1205-1229. UT-WOS link
- Divíšek T., & Numerato D. (2024). Leaky Bodies, Vaccination and Three Layers of Memory: Bio-Immune, Social-Collective and Lived Experience. Health Sociology Review, 33(1), 73-88. UT-WOS link
- Cardano M., Numerato D., Gariglio L., Hasmanová Marhánková J., Scavarda A., Bracke P., Hilário A., & Polak P. (2023). A team ethnography on vaccine hesitancy in Europe. A case study of a local truth construction. Rassegna Italiana di Sociologia, 64(4), 615-642.
- Fattore G., Numerato D., & Salvatore D. (2023). Do policies affect management? Evidence from a survey of clinicians of the Italian National Health Service. Health Services Management Research, 36(1), 25-33. UT-WOS link
- Fatttore G., Numerato D., Peltola M., Banks H., Graziani R., Heijink R., Over E., Klitkou S., Fletcher E., Mihalicza P., & Svereus S. (2015). Variations and Determinants of Mortality and Length of Stay of Very Low Birth Weight and Very Low for Gestational Age Infants in Seven European Countries. Health Economics, 24(December), 65-87. UT-WOS link
- Salvatore D., Numerato D., & Fattore G. (2018). Physicians' professional autonomy and their organizational identification with their hospital. BMC Health Services Research, 18(October), nestránkováno. UT-WOS link
- Honová P., Numerato D., & Kondrátová L. (2019). Zkušenost, expertiza a participace uživatelů: případ české reformy psychiatrické péče. Sociologický časopis / Czech Sociological Review, 55(5), 615-640. UT-WOS link
- Vochocová L., Numerato D., & Sedláčková T. (2022). Opting for Polarizing Emotions: Strategies of Czech Pro-Vaccination Discussants in the Emotionalized Public Sphere and Debate on a Measles Epidemic. International Journal of Communication [online], 16(2022), 1006-1026. UT-WOS link
- Čada K., Numerato D., & Hoření K. (2022). Those Who Pay the Piper Calls the Tune: Meta-Organisation and Capacities of the Third Sector in Migration Policies. Voluntas, 33(5), 910-920. UT-WOS link
- Giulianotti R., & Numerato D. (2018). Global sport and consumer culture: An introduction. Journal of Consumer Culture, 18(2), 229-240. UT-WOS link
- Dobiášová K., Kotherová Z., & Numerato D. (2021). Institutional reforms to strengthen patient and public involvement in the Czech Republic since 2014. Health Policy, 125(5), 582-586. UT-WOS link
- Hasmanová Marhánková J., Kotherová Z., & Numerato D. (2024). Navigating vaccine hesitancy: Strategies and dynamics in healthcare professional-parent communication. Human Vaccines and Immunotherapeutics, 20(1), UT-WOS link
- Baglioni S., Calò F., & Numerato D. (2022). The Role of Civil Society in the Labour Market Integration of Migrants in Europe: An Introduction. Voluntas, 33(5), 851-861. UT-WOS link
- Kotherová Z., Hasmanová Marhánková J., & Numerato D. (2024). (Ne)důvěra v očkování v ČR pohledem zdravotníků a váhavých rodičů. Vox Pediatriae, 24(2), 11-17.
- Hilário A., Scavarda A., Numerato D., Mendonça J., Cardano M., Hasmanová Marhánková J., Gariglio L., Vuolanto P., Anderson A., Auvinen P., Bracke P., Douglass T., Hobson-West P., Lermytte E., Polak P., & Rudek T. (2023). Recruiting a hard-to-reach, hidden and vulnerable population: the methodological and practical pitfalls of researching vaccine-hesitant parents. Qualitative Health Research, 33(13), 1189-1202. UT-WOS link
- Peltola M., Seppala T., Malmivaara A., Belicza E., Numerato D., Goude F., Fletcher E., & Heijink R. (2015). Individual and Regional-level Factors Contributing to Variation in Length of Stay After Cerebral Infarction in Six European Countries. Health Economics, 24(Supplement 2), 38-52. UT-WOS link
- Wagner A., Paulina P., Rudek T., Świątkiewicz-Mośny M., Anderson A., Bockstal M., Gariglio L., Hasmanová Marhánková J., Hilário A., Hobson-West P., Iorio J., Kuusipalo A., Numerato D., Scavarda A., Alcântara da Silva P., Soares Moura E., & Vuolanto P. (2024). Agency in urgency and uncertainty. Vaccines and vaccination in European media discourses. Social Science and Medicine, 346(April 2024), UT-WOS link
- Vuolanto P., Almeida A., Anderson A., Auvinen P., Beja A., Bracke P., Cardano M., Ceuterick M., Correia T., De Vito E., Delaruelle K., Delicado A., Esposito M., Ferrara M., Gariglio L., Guerreiro C., Hasmanová Marhánková J., Hilario A., Hobson-west P., Iorio J., Jarvinen K., Koivu A., Kotherová Z., Kuusipalo A., Lermytte E., Mendonca J., Morais R., Numerato D., Polak P., Rudek T., Sbaragli S., Scavarda A., Silva K., Da Silva P., Sivela J., Soares Moura E., Swiatkiewicz-Mosny M., Tipaldo G., & Wagner A. (2024). Trust matters: The Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy in Europe Study. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health, 52(3), 379-390. UT-WOS link
Contributions in the conference proceedings
General Sociology, Sociology of Sport, Sociology of Health and Illness, Diploma Seminar (SCM)
Sociology of sport
Sociology of health, illness and medicine
Civic engagement and social change
Late modernity and social theory
Last 10 years
2022 - : Co-coordinator of the National Institute for Research on the Socioeconomic Impact of Diseases and Systemic Risks (MŠMT, NPO, EXCELES: LX22NPO5101)
2021 – : National coordinator of the project: Addressing Vaccine Hesitancy in Europe (VAX-Trust), EC H2020-SC1-BHC-33-2020.
2018 – 2020 - National coordinator of the project: Skills and Integration of Migrants, Refugees and Asylum Applicants in European Labour Markets (SIRIUS), EC H2020-SC6-REV-INEQUAL-2016-2017
2017 - 2019 - Principal Investigator of the project: “Civic engagement and the politics of health care”, The Czech Science Foundation.
2016 - Project Coordinator of the project “The analysis of trends of social development and public policies in global context,” Institute of Sociological Studies (FSV UK), Specific University Research (SVV), Ministry of Education Youth and Sports
2016 - The Centre for Collective Memory Research, FSV UK, Research Fellow
2013 -2015: Marie Curie Experienced Research Fellow, principal research fellow, EC FP7 IEF Marie Curie Project, “Football Fandom, Reflexivity and Social Change” (FANSREF)
2010 – 2013 WP Coordinator and Team Member, EC FP7 project “European Health Care Outcomes, Performance and Efficiency” (EUROHOPE)
sociology of health, illness and medicine, sociology of sport, social theory, migration