English Degree Programmes - applications till August 31, 2024


English Degree Programmes - applications till August 31, 2024

Extended application deadline: August 31, 2024

Applications fully submitted by June 30, 2024 will already be evaluated during July.

Important note for visa-seeking students: Please read about the visa process carefully before applying. You are responsible for organizing your legal stay in Czechia and the visa application process can get quite lengthy. We cannot guarantee that you will be able to obtain the visa in time because the June and August deadlines are fairly close to the start of the academic year on September 30, 2024. The extended deadlines are therefore strongly recommended to students who already possess the legal right to long-term stay in Czechia.

HOW: Application is online only
Upload all your attachments before you finalize your application and don’t forget to click „Send“ to submit your application. All the required attachments are listed below.


APPLICATION FEE IS 880 CZK (approx. 35 EUR). 
Applications without the fully paid application fee will not be considered.
The application fee must be paid in full either by card or via bank transfer. No cash payments are possible. You will find the payment instructions at the end of your online application form. There is no possibility of a fee waiver.

The application fee has to be paid no later than August 31, 2024 (June 30, 2024 for the preliminary deadline) in order for the application to be assessed in the particular term. 
The application fee is separate from the tuition fee; therefore, application fee must be paid even by the scholarship applicants.


All applications are evaluated by an admissions committee based on the submitted documents and materials. Successful applicants will be informed as soon as possible, during July/September respectively.


Should you have any queries related to the admission process, please, contact us at admissions@fsv.cuni.cz.

See more info here.