Erasmus+ call for academic year 2025/2026

Erasmus+ call for academic year 2025/2026
The ERASMUS+ programme is the most pouplar students' mobility programme. In 2025 you can apply for Erasmus study stay at any our parner university in Europe in academic year 2025/2026. You can find the list of partner universitites here.
The importans steps are following:
1. Submit sour applicaiton in the system webapps (you can apply for up to 3 universities) during the period 4 - 21 February, 2025 10 a.m.
2. Print your application/s, sign it and scan it together with other required documents.
3. Send the whole file to the Erasmus coordinator of the responsible Institute.
4. At the Institute of Sociological Studies personal interviews will be held on the following dates: 24 February (3 - 6 p.m.) and 25 February (1 - 4 p.m.)
5. The results should be published till the end of April
See the complete information on FSV website.