The Institute of Sociological Studies (ISS) offers English taught BA, MA, and doctorate programmes. BA in Social Sciences, MA and Ph.D. programmes in both Sociology, and Public and Social Policy.
The Institute of Sociological Studies (ISS) offers the highest quality B.A., M.A., and PhD programs, taught in English, in Central and Eastern Europe, covering all fields of social sciences. Attending Charles University gives prospective students the opportunity of obtaining a degree from one of the oldest, largest, and most prestigious universities in the world.
Information for current students in the Institute of Sociological Studies (ISS).
Academic research activities at the Institute of Sociological Studies include research projects of the Institute's staff, undergraduate and doctoral students.
Student organization, promotional items and all student activities at the Institute of Sociological Studies.
The Institute of Sociological Studies is located in the university campus building in Prague's Jinonice near the subway station Jinonice.
Institute of Sociological Studies
U Kříže 8
158 00 Prague 5 - Jinonice
tel. +420 251 080 216
Director: PhDr. Ing. Petr Soukup, Ph.D. (
Exchange coordinator at ISS: Terezie Hanzlíková (
In case you need to make plans for the next year, you can find the academic calendar 2024/2025 here.