Offer of virtual courses at 4EU+ partner universities

Offer of virtual courses at 4EU+ partner universities
We would like to draw your attention to the offer of 4EU+ shared courses for UK students, which take place in the form of virtual mobility. These courses cover a wide range of topics, allowing students to discover new perspectives and collaborate with students from partner institutions.
Courses at the University of Milan:
- Registration deadline: September 20 and 27
- Courses in Science and Technology, Law, Political Science, and the Humanities: Anglophone Cultures I
- Courses in the field of medicine, agricultural and food sciences, language and cultural mediation: Clinical Practice 6th Year - Lifestyle, exercise and sport medicine, Bioresources for Innovation in Mountain Products
Courses at Heidelberg University:
- Registration deadline: September 30
- Courses: Collegio futuro: a college for designers of a sustainable European future, International Environmental Law, "Human or Not? The Age of A.I." – Interpreters' Monday's conference and more
Courses at the University of Warsaw:
- Registration deadline: October 8
- Courses: Algorithms in digital economy, International healthcare systems, Social and sustainable entrepreneurship and others.
Detailed information and instructions for registration can be found on the 4EU+ Student Portal.