Thursday seminars/26.5. 14.00

Thursday seminars/26.5. 14.00
Dear colleagues,
We would like to invite you to an lecture from the spring cycle of
Thursday's sociological seminars. On Thursday, May 26 at 14.00, Olga
Zhmurko will have a lecture regarding Internal migration in Ukraine
caused by the war in 2022 and its consequences on social and migration
processesin Ukraine and abroad .
The seminars will be held in English in hybrid mode. The lecture is
freely accessible in meeting room 207. To get a link to Zoom, you need
to register here:
More information regarding the lecture are enclosed in the email and can
be also found on the website of the Sociological Institute
and on our Facebook.
We are looking forward to seeing you,
Petra Šalamounová, Míša Kudrnáčová a Jan Klusáček