Department of Science and Research CU would like to invite you to a new series of courses and workshops for young scientific workers. The courses are scheduled for autumn 2024. You can choose from the following topics: Open Science, Research Data Management, Entrepreneurship, International networking, teaming and cooperation, Supervising graduate and postgraduate research projects a Various Career Pathways in Research.
The Jinonice Campus received a nomination in this year's 32nd edition of the Construction of the Year competition. In total, 38 of the 120 buildings entered were shortlisted. From Sunday, September 1, 2024, as part of the prestigious competition, voting for the Public Prize - the CNN Prima NEWS Prize, in which all registered buildings are involved, is also taking place.
Our colleague Michal Plaček received a professorship in the field of public and social policy this year. He is not idle on his academic path, which he closely connects with practice – he cooperates with a number of research institutions, foreign universities and domestic public administration. In the interview he speaks about his research and his plans for the future.
Enjoy your summer time! We are looking forward to meeting you in the academic year 2024/2025.
We cordially invite you to the lectures held by Professor Jerome Krase from Brooklyn College, NY City University: Visible Means of Support (May 31, 9 - 10:30 a.m.) and Revisiting Seeing Cities Change: Local Culture and Class (June 4, 2 - 3:20 p.m.)
ISS FSV UK Watersports Section invites you to paddleboard in Prague (Podolské nábřeží) on Thursday, 30 May 2024.