In the autumn round of the POINT program, applications can be submitted 1 - 30 November 2023. Applications can be submitted only via systém interních soutěží UK. It is possible to apply within two categories: short-term student mobility and organization of summer schools by faculties.
FSV UK Sports Day takes place on Tuesday, 7 November 2023 in the UK Sports Centre in Hostivař. You can sign up individually for a wide range of sports activities.
On Thursday, November 2 there will be a fire test in the Jinonice campus in building A. Due to this, we ask you not to visit the Jinonice Campus this Thursday, November 2, between 9:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m.
In connection with the move to the new library in the Jinonice Campus, the loan period for books is extended. Loans borrowed after October 27, 2023 can be returned by January 3, 2024. The Jinonice library will be closed from November 27 to December 1, 2023.
Congratulations to our colleagues who were awarded Golden Courses for the best courses in summer semester 2022/2023.
The Charles University Grant Agency (GAUK) has announced a call for 2024. Projects for 1-3 years can be submitted by master's and doctoral students in the standard period of study by 30 October 2023.