prof. PhDr. Hynek Jeřábek, CSc.

prof. PhDr. Hynek Jeřábek, CSc.


  • Katedra sociologie


Telefon: +420 267 224 233

Místnost: č. C217, Jinonice, budova C

Scopus Author ID: 6506518790

ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4779-8932


Rok vydání


Kapitoly v monografiích


Příspěvky v konferenčních sbornících

JSB104 Klasické sociologické výzkumy 2 hod. LS, 4 kredity; JSM551: Epistemologie a metodologie společenských věd (Jeřábek + Balon) 2 hod. 8 kreditů;

DP R.K. Merton a jeho komunikační výzkum a empirická sociologie.
DP Kolumbijská sociologická škola a její představitelé

„Lazarsfeld’s methodology and its use in political sociology and communications research“; supported by Grant Agency of the Czech Republic (project no: 18-13807S); head of the research team (2018-2020);
„Classic Research Projects as a Source of Inspiration for Contemporary Social Research”; supported by Grant Agency of the Czech Republic P404/11/0949; head of the research team (2011-2013);
„Family Cohesion in the Elderly Care”; supported by Grant Agency of the Czech Republic 403/09/1208; head of the research team (2009-2011);

* history of empirical social research
* social and cultural cohesion, intergenerational solidarity, home care for old family members
* communications research: interpersonal communication and public opinion formation
* international comparative and interdisciplinary social research
* methodology, methods in empirical social research, measurement
* work of P.F. Lazarsfeld and his importance for sociological research

* history of empirical social research * social and cultural cohesion, intergenerational solidarity, home care for old family members * communications research: interpersonal communication and public opinion formation * international comparative and interdisciplinary social research * methodology, methods in empirical social research, measurement * work of P.F. Lazarsfeld and his importance for sociological research