PhDr. Petr Witz, Ph.D.
PhDr. Petr Witz, Ph.D.
- Katedra veřejné a sociální politiky
Místnost: č. C228, Jinonice, budova C
ResearcherID: U-7990-2018
Scopus Author ID: 56566608300
ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0441-4046
Rok vydání
- FRIČ, Pavol - VÁVRA, Martin - WITZ, Petr - WLADYNIAK, Ludmila - ŠMÍDOVÁ, Michaela. Stárneme strategicky? Stárnutí a příprava na něj. 1. vyd vyd. Praha: Centrum pro studium vysokého školství, 2020. 81 s. ISBN 978-80-86302-87-4.
- FLORIÁNOVÁ, Miroslava - FUKSA, Josef - HRADECKÝ, Jan - WITZ, Petr - JOHANISOVÁ, Naďa - KARLÍK, Vlastimil - KVIZDA, Martin - PITHART, David - RULÍK, Martin - VEJCHODSKÁ, Eliška - VLAŠÍN, Mojmír - VRÁNA, Pavel. Dunaj-Odra-Labe: Křižovatka tří moří, nebo trojnásobná katastrofa?. 1. vyd vyd. Praha: Arnika, 2021. 46 s. ISBN 978-80-87651-94-0.
Kapitoly v monografiích
- WITZ, Petr. The Blanka Tunnel Complex. In: ROUMBOUTSOS, Athena. BENEFIT: Business models for enhancing funding and enabling financing for infrastructure in transport: PPP and public transport infrastructure financing case studies. 1st ed vyd. Chios: University of the Aegean, 2015, s. 76-83. ISBN 978-618-82078-1-3.
- WITZ, Petr - LEVIÄKANGAS, Pekka - LUKASIEWICZ, Agnieszka. Transport PPPs east of the Elbe : destined to succeed or doomed to fail?. In: ROUMBOUTSOS, Athena. Public Private Partnerships in Transport : trends and theory. 1st ed vyd. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015, s. 65-84. ISBN 978-1-138-89816-5.
- WITZ, Petr. Public-Private Partnerships in CEE : Enhancing Governance or Deepening Mismanagement. In: KOVAČ, Polonca. Reflections on Good Governance in Visegrad and beyond. 1st ed vyd. Bratislava: NISPAcee Press, 2014, s. 41-49. ISBN 978-80-89013-71-5.
- WITZ, Petr. The Blanka Tunnel Complex, Czech Republic. In: ROUMBOUTSOS, Athena - VOORDIJK, Hans - PANTELIAS, Aristeidis. Funding and Financing Transport Infrastructure: Business Models to Enhance and Enable Financing of Infrastructure in Transport. 1st ed vyd. Abingdon: Routledge Taylor&Francis, 2018, s. 150-159. ISBN 978-1-138-29389-2.
- MÖPERT, Fabian - WITZ, Petr. Federal Republic of Germany. In: ROUMBOUTSOS, Athena - FARRELL, Sheila - VERHOEST, Koen. COST Action TU1001 Public Private Partnerships in Transport: Trends & Theory P3T3 : Country Profiles & Case Studies. 1st ed vyd. Brussels: COST, 2014, s. 10-25. ISBN 978-88-6922-009-8.
- VERHOEST, Koen - PETERSEN, Ole Helby - SCHERRER, Walter - SOECIPTO, Murwantara - LEMBER, Veiko - LEVIÄKANGAS, Pekka - HURK VAN DEN, Martijn - WILLEMS, Tom - WITZ, Petr - ÄGREN, Robert. National contexts for PPPs in Europe : conclusions and policy recommendations. In: ROUMBOUTSOS, Athena. Public Private Partnerships in Transport : trends and theory. 1st ed vyd. London: Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, 2015, s. 85-94. ISBN 978-1-138-89816-5.
- WITZ, Petr - STINGL, Verena - WIELD, Morten - OEHMEN, Josef. Asymmetric legitimacy perception across megaproject stakeholders: The case of the Fehmarnbelt Fixed Link. International Journal of Project Management. 2021, 39(4), 377-393. ISSN 0263-7863. UT-WOS link
- WITZ, Petr - LEVIÄKANGAS, Pekka - LUKASIEWICZ, Agnieszka - SZEKERES, Kristian. Implementation of transport infrastructure PPPs in the Czech Republic, Finland, Poland and Slovakia - a comparative analysis on national contexts. International Journal of Management and Network Economics. 2015, 3(3), 220-237. ISSN 1754-2316.
- WITZ, Petr. Transformation of Public-Private Partnerships in the post-New Public Management era: Challenges to British and Spanish approaches. Veřejné zakázky a PP projekty. 2012, 6(2), 188-201. ISSN 1803-9553.
- WITZ, Petr. Transformation of Public-Private Partnership in the post-New Public Management era: Britain and Spain compared. Ekonómia a podnikanie. 2012, 6(1), 104-116. ISSN 1337-4990.
- FRIČ, Pavol - WITZ, Petr - ŠMÍDOVÁ, Michaela. Zabezpečení na stáří: koncept rizik a strategií jejich eliminace. Fórum sociální práce / Social Work Forum [online]. 2017, 2017(2), 9-23. ISSN 1804-3070.
- HURK VAN DEN, Martijn - BROGAARD, Lena - LEMBER, Veiko - PETERSEN, Ole Helby - WITZ, Petr. National Varieties of Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs): A Comparative Analysis of PPP-Supporting Units in 19 European Countries. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice. 2016, 18(1), 1-20. ISSN 1387-6988. UT-WOS link
Příspěvky v konferenčních sbornících
- WITZ, Petr. Transformation of Public-Private Partnership in the post-New Public Management era: challenges to British and Spanish approaches. 2012,
- WITZ, Petr. Adapting governance of Public-Private Partnerships to the post-New Public Management framework: challanges to British, Czech and Spanish approaches. In: AKINTOYE, Akin - LIYANAGE, C.L. - GOULDING, Jack. PPP International Conference 2013 - Body of Knowledge 1st ed vyd. Preston: University of Central Lancashire, 2013, s. 21-30. ISBN 978-1-901922-91-2.
- WITZOVÁ, Petra - WITZ, Petr. Public Private Partnerships' failure rate in Europe compared: extent of transport PPPs' failure and its institutional determinants. In: VAŇKOVÁ, Ivana. Public Economics and Administration 2017 : Proceedings of the 12th International Scientific Conference 1st ed vyd. Ostrava: VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava, 2017, s. 376-383. ISBN 978-80-248-4131-1.