Thursday seminars/1.6. 2023, 14,00


Thursday seminars/1.6. 2023, 14,00


Dear colleagues,

We would like to invite you to a lecture from the spring cycle of Thursday's sociological seminars. On Thursday, June 1 at 14.00,  Zuzana Bártová, Agata Ładykowska and  Viola Teisenhoffewill have a lecture regarding "Religion beyond religion? Conceptual and methodological perspectives on locating religion in the modern world".

The seminar will take place in English in HYBRID FORM - in the meeting room 207 Jilská 1, Praha 1 and via ZOOM.

The seminar is freely accessible for those attending f2f, if you intend to attend online, please fill in your email here:

and we will send you a link on the day of the seminar.

More information regarding the lecture are enclosed in the email and can be also found on the website of the Sociological Institute ( and on our Facebook.

We are looking forward to seeing you,

Petra Šalamounová, Míša Kudrnáčová a Jan Klusáček