Semináře ISS
Semináře ISS
Semináře nabízí prostor pro prezentaci prací doktorandů, badatelů a členů kateder sociologie a veřejné a sociální politiky Institutu sociologických studií FSV UK.
Semináře roku 2023/2024
Níže najdete semináře letošního akademického roku.
Docent Martin Hájek: Requal
Unikátní program pro kvalitativní analýzu dat s prvky posilujícími reprodukovatelnost. 6/12/ 2023, 15:30 hod, U Kříže 8, Praha 5. Místnost: B228
Profesorka Susanna Trnka: Emotional Entanglements....
Srdečně zveme všechny pracovníky i studenty na první seminář katedry sociologie, který se bude konat 4.10. v 15:30 v místnosti C228
profesorka Susanna Trnka k nám zavítá z University of Auckland a představí svůj výzkum na téma Emotional Entanglements, Vulnerability, and the Search for Recognition: How is this Health?
Níže naleznete abstrakt a krátké bio.
Těšíme se brzy naviděnou,
Dear colleagues,
We are happy to invite all employees and students to the department's first seminar, which will be held on October 4 at 3:30 p.m. in room C228. Professor Susanna Trnka will visit us from the University of Auckland and present her research on the topic of Emotional Entanglements, Vulnerability, and the Search for Recognition: How is this Health?
Below, you will find an abstract and a short bio.
Emotional Entanglements, Vulnerability, and the Search for Recognition: How is this Health?
Susanna Trnka (University of Auckland)
When 22-year-old James wants to tell his boyfriend something important, he avoids face-to-face communication and messages him instead; “it’s easier to talk about your feelings online,” he explains, “because you can quickly change the topic.” James is one of many New Zealand youth who strategically employ distance to enable an intimacy that feels otherwise potentially uncontrollable. Young people, including James, are also, however, deeply attune to how online emotional engagements entail their own pitfalls. This includes the humiliation of being caught out by those unnecessarily vying for attention and the exhaustion of undertaking “emotional labour” on behalf of others. Drawing from Paul Ricouer’s theory of recognition alongside Emmanuel Levinas’ work on the “infinity” of the Other, this presentation examines young New Zealanders’ self-described communicative practices, in particular their careful navigation of online emotional entanglements to maximize meaningful connection while protecting themselves from inter-personal disappointments and threats. I argue that young people are often highly self-reflexive about their attempts to open up safe avenues for emotional disclosure. In doing so, I ask what kinds of emotional ideologies are at play in contemporary enactments of intimacy, distancing, and care. I also ask, what does any of this have to do with new understandings of health?
Bio: Susanna Trnka is Professor of Social Anthropology at the University of Auckland. Her research examines embodiment through a variety of lenses, including pain; humour; political violence and other forms of social crises; health; movement; and ideologies of “wellbeing.” Her most recent book, Traversing: Embodied Lifeworlds in the Czech Republic (Cornell University Press, 2020), is a phenomenological examination of movement. She is currently the principal investigator on a multi-disciplinary Marsden project examining young New Zealanders’ understandings of emotional and mental health.
Semináře 2020/2021
Podívejte se na záznamy Seminářů ISS, které probíhaly online.